
All Details

Name CID No NPPF No PF Joining Date Applied On Designation Organization Grade Mobile No Marital Status Spouse Name Spouse CID no Spouse Phone no Spouse Organisation CID DOC PAYSLIP Family Tree Remarks
Tshering Dorji 10101001499 8481 01-07-1994 26-11-2024 Teacher MoESD, Changangkha MSS, Thimphu P1 17620359 Yes Samten Choden 11502001955 17710068 Bhutan Power Corporation, Thimphu NA Rejected as payslip is of last year(Dec 2023)
Cheki Wangmo 10101001658 22701 01-01-2005 29-01-2025 Sr. Manager Natural Resources Development Corporation M4 77797750 Yes Sonam Dorji 10906002667 17141030 Free lance NA -- NA --
UGYEN DORJI 10101001969 22486 01-01-2004 10-04-2024 SUPERVISOR BTL MALE 17113217 Yes TSHEWANG PELMO 11104001529 17583288 H.WIFE NA -- NA --
Ugyen Dorji 10101001969 22486 01-01-2004 09-05-2024 Supervisor(CRA) BTL D5 17113217 Yes Tshewang Pelmo 11104001529 17583288 NO NA -- NA --
Tshering Dema 10101002037 16618 01-07-2001 08-08-2024 Teacher Education Division 6 17638112 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Jamyang Choden 10101003992 8244 25-12-1974 29-01-2025 Bench Clerk Judiciary 8 77618358 Yes Norbu Drukpa 12001001251 77945130 Bhutan Power Corporation NA -- NA --
Sherab Lham 10103000029 72731 01-07-2021 08-08-2024 Assistant Language Development Officer Ministry of Finance 8 17291526 Yes Dawa Penjor 11703000357 17279731 Non-Government Orginization NA -- NA --
Tshewang Pelden 10203003067 1665 01-07-2001 19-11-2024 Teacher Ministry of Education and Skills Development 5 17671792 Yes Tshering Zangpo 11107002409 77620889 DGPC NA Rejected as tenant said that it was small
Norbu Lhamo 10203005035 20855 01-01-2004 09-05-2024 Office Secretary Bhutan Power Corporation Female 17615293 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Tashi Dorji 10204000020 `9786 01-07-2005 19-11-2024 Sr. RQI II Bhutan Food and Drug Authority, Ministry of Health P4/SS3 17648654 Yes Rinchen Wangmo 10204000020 17762586 House Wife NA Rejected as Spouse CID is incorrect
Tashi Phuntsho 10204000211 7475 01-12-1992 14-03-2024 Sr. Admn. Asstt. Royal Civil Service Commission Male 17697878 Yes Late Karma Yangdon 11603002151 17827289 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Peldon 10204000452 13824 09-01-1999 09-08-2024 Billing Support business 8 17666860 Yes Tshering penjor 11410008183 17634225 busniess NA -- NA --
Naki 10204000551 60724 01-07-2019 09-05-2024 Internal Auditor State Trading Corporation of Bhutan Limited 07 77413403 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Kencho Dorji 10204001985 31716 02-02-2009 13-05-2024 Store incharge Ministry of education and skills development Male 17615854 Yes Yeshi wangmo 10712000543 17844660 Bhutan postal corporation NA -- NA --
Krishna bdr chhetri 10205005411 55754 01-05-2017 31-12-2024 Auto technician Stcbl 11 17364093 Yes Nir Maya chhetri 10211006670 17915597 Unemployed NA -- NA --
Tej Bdr Gurung 10205005531 63279 01-01-2001 15-03-2024 Ward Boy Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital GSP - 1 17578412 Yes Abi Maya Gurung 11802000206 17918492 House wife NA -- NA --
Tej Bdr Gurung 10205005531 63279 01-01-2001 16-03-2024 Ward Boy Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital GSP - 1 17578412 Yes Abi Maya Gurung 11802000206 17918492 House wife NA -- NA --
Tej Bdr Gurung 10205005531 63279 01-01-2001 16-03-2024 Ward Boy Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital GSP - 1 17578412 Yes Abi Maya Gurung 11802000206 17918492 House wife NA -- NA --
Tej Bdr Gurung 10205005531 63279 01-01-2001 15-03-2024 Ward boy Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital GSP -1 17578412 Yes Abi Maya Gurung 11802000206 17918492 House wife REJECTED AS HE IS NOT A BACHOLAR
Tej Bdr Gurung 10205005531 63279 01-01-2001 09-05-2024 Ward Boy Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital 10 17578412 Yes Abi Maya Gurung 11802000206 17918492 House wife NA -- NA --
Chabilal Ghalley 10209001520 66196 01-07-2018 20-09-2024 Wardboy JDWNRH GSP 77768222 Yes Lila Maya Ghalley 11203001864 17352008 JDWNRH NA -- NA --
Chabilal Ghalley 10209001520 66196 01-07-2018 22-10-2024 Ward boy Jdwnrh Gsp 77768222 Yes Lila Maya Ghalley 11203001864 17352008 Jdwnrh NA -- NA --
RINZIN BIDHA 10210000665 22608 01-12-2004 10-05-2024 FLOOR MANAGER BHUTAN NATIONAL BANK 8 17617557 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Kedar Man Ghalley 10211002985 Personal no 8835 19-03-2019 19-09-2024 Chuma Royal Bhutan Police Chuma 17769046 Yes Lachi Maya Ghalley 11208000921 17732040 Housewife NA rejected because didn\'t enter NPPF No.
Dil Bahadur Mongar 10211004983 36907 01-01-2011 07-06-2024 Examination and Assessment Officer Bhutan Council for School Examination and Assessment (BCSEA) P3 17622973 Yes Jamuna Maya Mongar 10311002666 17976872 Technical Training Institute-Thimphu NA -- NA --
Anjal Subba 10301000651 45003 01-08-2013 09-05-2024 Senior Agriculture Supervisor Department of Agriculture, Ministry Agriculture & Livestock 8 (SS4) 77317299 Yes Kencho Om 11207000640 77351888 N/A NA -- NA --
Padma Kumari 10304003994 C027847 01-01-2024 09-08-2024 Teacher III Ministry of education 8 17750848 Yes Suk Bdr Rai 11202001489 77750848 GSP at JDWNRH NA -- NA --
Padma Kumari Powrel 10304003994 C027847 01-01-2024 18-09-2024 Teacher III Ministry of education Female 17750848 Yes Padma Kumari Powrel 11202001489 77750848 JDWNRH NA -- NA --
Nar Bahadur Lepcha 10305002432 17069 01-11-2001 20-09-2024 Driver Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited 13 17353968 No Tobgay 10505000604 17605217 RBG Rejected as in family tree he is married but in form he is unmarried
Nar Bahadur Lepcha 10305002432 17069 01-01-1975 31-01-2025 Driver Natural Resources Development Corporation Ltd. 13 17353968 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Namgay Wangmo 10306001291 13675 01-08-1999 01-01-2025 Sr. Admin. Asstt Civil Society Organization Authority SS4 17818180 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
sonam Lhamo 10306001301 41567 01-07-2012 13-01-2025 Accounts Assistant STCBL 12 17610943 Yes Ugyen 10306001048 17781624 retired Rejected as she is married
sonam Lhamo 10306001301 41567 01-02-2008 03-02-2025 Accounts Assistant STCBL 12 17610943 Yes Ugyen 10306001048 17781624 retired NA -- NA --
Bir Bahadur Gurung 10307000528 63273 01-07-2018 10-05-2024 Wardboy JDWNRH GSP 17382822 Yes Manu Lungeli 11307001517 17569254 Housewife NA -- NA --
Tashi Dema 10309001152 TAP08844 01-07-2005 14-05-2024 Seniour Technical Officer Bhutan Telecom 9 17113371 Yes Yeshi Wangda 12004003419 17888916 Farmer NA -- NA --
Tashi Dema 10309001152 TAP08844 01-07-2005 20-09-2024 Seniour Technical Officer Bhutan Telecom 9 17113371 Yes Yeshi Wangda 12004003419 17888916 Farmer NA criteria not fulfilled as grade is higher for particular flat
Tashi Dema 10309001152 25484 01-07-2005 01-01-2025 Seniour technical officer Bhutan Telecom Limited 9 17113371 Yes Yeshi Wangda 12004003419 17888916 farmer NA -- NA --
Chunu Pradhan 10313000676 21441 01-01-2004 24-11-2024 Senior Teacher II Jigme Losel Primary School 5 17686750 Yes Shrowan Pradhan 11203004258 17164066 Bhutan Hyundai, Tashi Group NA Flat THC2B15R0211 Allotted to chunu pradhan
Chunu Pradhan 10313000676 21441 01-01-2004 13-04-2024 Senior Teacher II Jigme Losel Primary School, Thimphu Thromde P2 17686750 Yes Shrowan Pradhan 11203004258 17686750 Tashi Commercial Corporation, Thimphu NA -- NA --
Tashi Dawa 10501000512 24230 01-08-2005 31-12-2024 Sr. Administrative Assistant BQPCA, MoESD 09 77334488 Yes Dena 11906001453 17632961 Unemployed NA -- NA --
Nima wangmo 10502001530 50721 12-07-2016 07-08-2024 HRO BDBL 8 17675815 Yes Thinley Tobgyel 10502001530 17793992 BPC, pling NA -- NA --
Sonam Dem 10504000547 19944 01-07-2003 09-05-2024 Sr.Admin.Asst. IV Mininstry of Education and Skills Development, Thimphu S2A (10) 77240375 Yes Choki Dorji 10504001413 77661199 No work NA -- NA --
Karma Zam 10504000967 8111 01-02-1994 10-05-2024 Sr. HR Assistant Corporate Employee 7(S) 17623794 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Chencho 10505000624 21023 01-01-2004 20-09-2024 Office Clerk Bhutan Power Corporation Limited D2 17663118 Yes Tobgay 10505000604 17605217 RBG NA Allotted THC4D03R0002 IV-26.
Ugyen Dema 10601000650 41681 01-07-2012 10-04-2024 Accounts Assistant III Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources 8 17423502 Yes Phuntsho Wangdi 10601000650 17423502 Gov Tech NA -- NA --
Sonam Phuntsho 10601001929 46378 01-01-2014 07-08-2024 Teacher Thimphu Thromde, MHS P3 (6) 17500074 Yes Kinzang Choden 11411000606 17698593 House wife NA -- NA --
Thinley choden 10601002155 C006819 13-03-2023 15-05-2024 Program Associate National pension and Provident Fund 12 17825323 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Jangchuk Lhaden 10601003238 24184 01-07-2005 20-11-2024 Health Asistant II Ministry of Health P4/SS3 77668995 Yes Tshering Chojay 11512004142 17659394 Ministry of Health NA Flat THC2B16R0314 to Jangchuk Lhaden w.e.f feb 2025.
Yoenten Jamtsho 10601004582 C033359 01-08-2024 12-09-2024 Assistant NPPF 12 77769795 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Jamyang Phuntshok 10602000271 17331 01-01-2002 05-02-2025 Principal Hydromet Officer National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology 4 17989976 Yes Phuntsho Choden 10602000272 17673858 House wife NA -- NA --
Tashi Gyeltshen 10602000878 71248 01-01-2021 09-05-2024 Staff Nurse National Medical Services S1 17911309 Yes Pema Choden 12008002678 17835063 Nil NA -- NA --
Pema Rinzin 10602001399 33016 01-09-2009 14-05-2024 Driver 1 His Majesty Secretariat O 1 17414753 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Jigmela 10602001416 36845 19-07-1984 20-11-2024 Senior Attorney Office of the Attorney General Male 17361574 Yes Sither Wangmo 11608003576 17324131 House wife NA Rejected by tenant have recently shifted house to private building.
Langngala 10602001836 11466 01-01-1998 31-12-2024 Driver I Anti-Corruption Commission O1 17692734 Yes Ugyen Lhamo 10602001595 17858561 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Sonam wangda 10604001401 22109 01-06-2003 31-12-2024 Forman NRDCL 10 17624669 Yes Sonam choden 11512002492 17737775 House wife NA -- NA --
Sonam Wangda 10604001401 22109 06-01-2003 09-05-2024 Foreman NRDCL/ Thimphu 10 17624669 Yes Sonam Choden 11512002492 17614179 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Khandu Wangmo 10604001699 22487 01-01-2004 31-12-2024 CRA Bhutan Telecom Ltd D5 17113193 Yes Nima Dorji 10808002076 77762625 Private Company NA -- NA --
sangay wangmo 10605001403 68006 01-01-2020 31-01-2025 Hyd/Met technician NCHM,Thimphu S4 17474707 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Thinley Dorji 10605001899 27783 01-08-2007 11-04-2024 ICT Officer Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan PS4 17698422 Yes Yangchen Lhamo 10906000050 17644486 Bhutan National Bank NA -- NA --
Neten Dorji 10605002693 16421 01-07-2001 22-10-2024 Sr. Adm. Assistant III Royal Audit Authority Male 19885323 Yes Sangay Wangmo 11107000764 17632216 NA NA Rejected because there was no seal and sign of finance officer in pay slip
Neten Dorji 10605002693 16421 01-07-2001 19-11-2024 Sr. Adm. Assistant III Royal Audit Authority Male 17885323 Yes Sangay Wangmo 11107000764 17632216 NA NA Rejected as payslip is of sept and no sign in payslip
Neten Dorji 10605002693 16421 01-07-2001 04-02-2025 Sr. Adm. Assistant III Royal Audit Authority VIII/SS3 17885323 Yes Sangay Wangmo 11107000764 17632216 NA NA -- NA --
Neten Dorji 10605009326 16421 01-07-2001 04-02-2025 Sr. Adm. Assistant III Royal Audit Authority VIII/SS3 17885323 Yes Sangay Wangmo 11107000764 17885323 NA NA -- NA --
Tashi Phuntsho 10606000020 37212 01-01-2011 13-04-2024 Teacher, YHS MoESD, YHSS Six 17590506 Yes Deki yangzom 11512003004 17607560 Teacher changangkha mss NA -- NA --
Tenzin Rabgay 10608000405 36677 01-01-2011 15-05-2024 Finance officer Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan OGII- equivalent to IX 17687610 Yes Leki Wangmo 10907001014 17732304 PVT NA -- NA --
Wangchuk 10608000525 C002774 01-01-2022 14-05-2024 Driver Druk holding &investment 17 17922940 Yes Sonam zangmo 11101000538 17892138 House wife NA -- NA --
Sonam Tshering 10701000544 45595 01-09-2013 31-12-2024 Driver National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology(NCHM), Thimphu o2/15 17788532 Yes Karma Dema 10705003167 17328934 Housewife NA -- NA --
Tshoki Lhamo 10701001264 21075 01-01-2003 07-06-2024 Sr. Land Record Supervisor Thimphu Dzongkhag Adminstration Land & Survey Sector 8 17674339 Yes Jangchub Dorji 11505000138 77296772 No job NA Rejected by Tenant after inspection
Kinzang Tshering 10702000588 32370 01-08-2009 10-05-2024 Section Officer Bhutan Power Corporation Limited 10 (B4) 17900441 Yes Dechen Choden 11505001506 17996311 House wife NA -- NA --
Pema 10703000051 32843 01-09-2009 14-05-2024 Administrative Asst Bhutan Infocomm and Media Authority XII 17878455 Yes Sonam Dorji 10904000084 17570810 Unemployed NA -- NA --
Neten Tshomo 10704000554 43392 01-08-2012 09-05-2024 Adm assistant NRDCL,Thimphu 10 17737775 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Neten Tshomo 10704000554 43392 01-08-2012 30-12-2024 Sr. Adm assistance NRDCL 9 17737775 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Neten Tshomo 10704000554 43392 01-08-2012 14-01-2025 Sr. Adm assistance NRDCL 9 17737775 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Flat THC2B04R0011 Allotted to Neten Tshomo w.e.f Feb.
Phurpa Dorji 10705000233 16026 15-02-2002 15-05-2024 Technician Bhutan Telecom Limitted 12 17113062 Yes Thinley Choden 10605000722 17652820 Not Working NA -- NA --
Tandin Dema 10705001508 51456 11-01-2016 07-06-2024 Credit Officer BDBL 7 17447971 Yes Sonam Tobgay 11513001764 17934781 BDBL NA -- NA --
Dorji 10705002584 37685 01-05-2011 14-05-2024 Project Supervisor/Mechanical Construction Development Corporation Ltd 10 17664484 Yes Pema Choden 12003000031 17969863 NA NA -- NA --
Nidup Wangmo 10705002788 37491 01-01-1981 19-09-2024 Sr, Cleaner Bhutan Telecom, Ltd 14 17777366 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Lungten 10705004210 42504 09-01-1986 26-09-2024 Driver Judiciary 02 17991545 Yes Wangmo 10203004568 17773960 House Wife NA -- NA --
Tshering Wangchuk 10706000154 8107 01-01-1994 23-11-2024 Senior CT Technical Associate I Government Technology (GovTech) Agency, Royal Government of Bhutan 6 17663272 Yes Sangay Wangmo 10706000481 17546470 House wife NA Already Have Residential unit under his name at National Housing
Dorji Tshering 10706003217 6123 01-03-1991 31-12-2024 Technician DGM, MoENR, Thimphu SS2 17623808 Yes Thinley Wangmo 11101000976 17653699 NA NA -- NA --
Dorji Zangmo 10707000796 21865 01-07-2004 09-04-2024 OT Technician JDWNRH, MOH 07 17412722 Yes Tshewang Rinzin 10715000166 17494949 JDWNRH, MOH NA -- NA --
Sangay Dorji 10708000014 42908 01-01-2013 08-08-2024 Accountant II Bhutan Power Corporation Limited Thimphu C1 17545134 Yes Pelden Dema 11608001172 17957089 House Wife NA -- NA --
Kinzang dorji 10708000116 9183 01-07-1995 17-03-2024 Project manager DoCDD Male 17336666 Yes Sonam wangmo 10710000410 17638511 DoE NA -- NA --
Sonam Chozom 10708001635 3055 24-07-1995 15-03-2024 Senior Revenue|Customs|Tax Inspector III MINISTRY OF FINANCE REGIONAL REVENUE AND CUSTOMS , THIMPHU P5/SS4 17653069 Yes Dorji Rinchen 10710000318 17653069 Retired NA Allotted THC2B16R0107 IIC/27
Norbu Dema 10708001964 72094 15-04-2021 05-02-2025 Gardener Department of Procurement and Properties under Ministry of Finance ESP 17500285 Yes Deki Phunstho 10602000612 17535285 National council -- NA --
Yuden 10709000098 15566 31-12-2000 31-12-2024 Tax Inspector Department of Revenue & Customs, Thimphu S1 A 17720617 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Yuden 10709000098 15566 15-12-2000 09-05-2024 Tax Inspector Department of Revenue & Customs Office 9 17720617 Yes Chadho 11915001261 17668789 Regional Revenue & Cusotms Office, Thimphu NA Rejected. THC2B22R0205 is allotted to her spouse.
Karma 10709001265 5913 19-11-1990 24-11-2024 Sr. Procurement Assistant Faculty of Traditional Medicine, Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Services of Bhutan, Thimphu P4/VII 17669641 Yes Neten Zangmo 10905001753 17612156 House wife NA Rejected as house in National Housing
Ugyen 10709001943 36166 01-07-2011 01-01-2025 SrTech1 JDWNRH,MOH,THIMPHU 9 17776871 Yes Dawa 11216003236 77662194 Jdwnrh,MoH, Thimphu NA -- NA --
Tshering Kiba 10709002033 36692 07-03-2011 31-12-2024 Sr. Sales Executive III State Trading Corporation of Bhutan Limited 10 17680215 Yes Jigme Rinchen 11503003110 77995511 Private -- NA --
Tshering Kiba 10709002033 36692 07-03-2011 09-05-2024 Sales Executive III State Trading Corporation of Bhutan Limited 11 17680215 Yes Jigme Rinchen 11503003110 77995511 Private NA -- NA --
Tshering Kiba 10709002033 36692 07-03-2011 18-10-2024 Sr. Sales Executive III State Trading Corporation of Bhutan Limited 10 17680215 No Jigme Rinchen -- NA -- 17680215 Private -- NA --
Tshewang Choden 10710001427 44184 01-05-2013 01-01-2025 Sr.Receptionist Civil Society Organizations Authority 01 17582385 Yes Tenzin 12001003832 17793561 Self employed NA -- NA --
Dorjee 10710001591 24348 31-10-2005 20-11-2024 Reconciliation Officer Bhutan National Bank 8 17121030 Yes Khentshe Wangmo 11106000015 17769818 Housewife NA Rejected as pay slip don\'t have seal and signed. Rejected by tenant as recently shifted to private house.
Pasang Wangdi 10711001240 19786 01-08-2003 19-11-2024 Senior Regulatory & Quarantine Inspector II Bhutan Food and Drug Authority, Ministry of Health 7 17639513 Yes Tshewang Zangmo 10204000099 77639513 Museum Division, Department of Culture & Dzongkha Development, MoHA NA Allotted flat no. THC2B08R0104 to Pasang Wangdi
Karma Dor 10712000393 48640 01-01-2015 15-03-2024 Teacher Ministry of Education and Skills Development 7 17610901 Yes CHUNGKU LHAM 10203000956 17379253 Pvt Company NA -- NA --
kinley dorji 10713000390 40068 10-03-1985 03-02-2025 driver 1 national statistics bureau O2 77923456 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
RINCHEN TSHERING 10713001340 41940 01-09-2012 22-10-2024 TELLER BHUTAN NATAOINAL BANK LIMITED K 17635163 Yes DAWA DEMA 11508002420 17998943 N/A NA -- NA --
RINCHEN TSHERING 10713001340 41940 09-01-2012 10-05-2024 TELLER BHUTAN NATIONAL BANK K 77458509 Yes DAWA DEMA 11508002423 17998943 NA NA -- NA --
RINCHEN TSHERING 10713001340 41940 01-09-2012 12-08-2024 TELLER BHUTAN NATIONAL BANK09/01/2012 k 17635163 Yes DAWA DEMA 11508002421 17998943 NA NA -- NA --
RINCHEN TSHERING 10713001340 41940 01-07-2012 19-09-2024 TELLER BHUTAN NATIONAL BANK K 17635163 Yes DAWA DEMA 11508002423 17998943 NA NA -- NA --
Jigme Kelzang 10715000978 12731 01-07-1999 19-11-2024 Mr. Health Service Quality Assurance Division, Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health P1 A 17606306 Yes Kinzang Wangmo 12007000421 17801656 Houe Wife NA Allotted flat THC2B14R0103 to jigme kelzang
Chimi Rabten 10716000214 32380 01-07-2009 23-10-2024 Sr. Legal Assistant III Anti-Corruption Commission, Kawajangsa, Thimphu 8 (SS4) 17547507 Yes Norbu Choden 11607003005 17888400 House wife NA -- NA --
Chimi Rabten 10716000214 32380 01-07-2009 20-11-2024 Sr. Legal Assistant III Anti-Corruption Commission, Kawajangsa, Thimphu 8 (SS4) 17547507 Yes Norbu Choden 11607003005 17888400 House wife NA Rejected by the Tenant. As he doesn\'t like the flat and wants to apply next time.
Chimi Rabten 10716000214 32380 01-07-2009 14-03-2024 Sr. Integrity Promotion Assistant III Anti-Corruption Commission, Kawajangsa, Thimphu 8 (SS4) 17547507 Yes Norbu Choden 11607003005 17888400 House wife NA -- NA --
Chimi Rabten 10716000214 32380 01-07-2009 15-03-2024 Sr. Integrity Promotion Assistant III Anti-Corruption Commission, Kawajangsa, Thimphu 8 (SS4) 17547507 Yes Norbu Choden 11607003005 17888400 House wife NA -- NA --
Pema Choki 10716000506 19994 23-02-2003 21-11-2024 Junior Engineer BPC B3/8 17653698 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected by the tenant. reason given was as they didn\'t want shift
Karma Dorji 10716001085 9662 01-01-1996 24-10-2024 Sr.Forest Ranger Thimphu Forest Division VI 17798056 Yes Tshezang Zangmo 11502001840 17674450 Housewife NA cancelled by Applicant
Sonam Lhaden 10716001783 C007281 04-04-2023 09-05-2024 Corporate employee Bhutan Power Corporation Limited 8 17494486 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Younten Jamtsho 10716002915 41887 01-02-2012 31-01-2025 Dy. Foreman Kuensel Corporation Limited 13 17903665 Yes Dawa zangmo 11702000045 16921770 Kuensel corporation Limited NA -- NA --
Younten Jamtsho 10716002915 41887 01-02-2012 31-01-2025 Dy. Foreman Kuensel Corporation Limited 8 17903665 Yes Dawa zangmo 11702000045 16921770 Kuensel corporation Limited NA -- NA --
karchung 10716002965 41279 23-04-2012 15-03-2024 internal auditor Bhutan development Bank limited 6 17765652 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected by Tenant
Norbu Dukpa 10801002167 15986 01-02-2001 10-05-2024 Sr. Adm Assistant Dratshang Lhentshog 10 17687439 Yes Kinlay Dema 11405000318 17687439 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Norbu Dukpa 10801002167 15986 01-02-2001 31-12-2024 Sr. Adm assistant Dratshang lhentshog 10 17687439 Yes Kinlay dema 11405000318 17640440 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
tshering sithub 10801002239 15395 15-09-2000 10-05-2024 Senior Office Secretary Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Thimphu 10 77245187 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA THC3C06R0002 III/32 wef 01/06/2024
Tshering Zam 10805002544 11094 01-07-1997 07-06-2024 Senior Note Examiner Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan SS4 17606607 No Ganga Devi Adhikari 11103001126 17640371 house wife NA call at 12:26 AM dated 14/06/2024 but no respond, hence rejected
Tshering Zam 10805002544 11094 08-01-1997 09-08-2024 Senior Note Examiner Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan SS3 17606607 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Norbu Tshering 10806000588 23249 01-01-2005 06-08-2024 Dy. Chief Royal privy council P2 A 17606838 Yes Neten Zangmo 10710001235 17727152 Teacher (MoESD) NA -- NA --
Norbu Tshering 10806000588 23249 01-01-2005 18-11-2024 Dy. Chief Royal Privy Council P2A 17606838 Yes Neten Zangmo 10710001235 17727152 MoESD NA Rejected as tenant said that He didn\'t like the flat
Tshering 10807000140 16341 01-07-2001 14-05-2024 Sr. Revenue Inspector Regional Revenue Customs Office, Thimphu VI 17634064 Yes Namgay Om 10504001432 77634064 Department of Immigration, Thimphu NA -- NA --
Rinzin Dema 10808000891 72622 01-06-2021 19-10-2024 Teacher MOESD P5 77493865 Yes Sonam Dorji 11902001460 17459619 Private Employee -- NA --
Sonam Wangmo 10808001252 279076 01-05-2007 14-05-2024 Binder Kuensel Corporation Limited 11 17577258 Yes Pema Letho 10607001614 17426475 Private NA -- NA --
Khandu wangmo 10808001550 53711 01-01-2017 18-11-2024 Lra Civil servant S4 17241774 Yes Gempo dorji 10905002895 17241774 Umployed NA Rejected by tenant as it was on corner side and don\'t have direct sunlight.
Tashi Gyalmo 10808001941 18427 15-10-2002 31-01-2025 Asst.Architect Department of Geology and Mines 8 17575003 Yes Tshering Namgay 11008001541 77401386 KuzooFM NA -- NA --
Tashi gyalmo 10808001941 18427 15-10-2002 05-06-2024 Asst.Architect Department of Geology and Mines 8 17575003 Yes Tshering Namgay 11008001541 77401386 KuzooFM NA Rejected as there is no account officer signed as required
Nim Dema 10810002200 30998 01-01-2009 10-05-2024 Sr. Store Keeper NMS/ JDWNRH S2 (10) 17888610 Yes Sherab Dorji 10711000422 17902957 NLC NA -- NA --
Sonam Yangkey 10811000293 29968 01-08-2008 15-03-2024 Sr. Office Secretary DHI 10 17607907 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected by Tenant
Sonam Yangkey 10811000293 29968 01-08-2008 14-03-2024 Sr. Office Secretary DHI 7 17607907 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Sonam Yangkey 10811000293 29968 08-01-2008 13-08-2024 Sr. Office Secretary DHI 9 17607907 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Pema Tshewang 10901000814 C026835 13-11-2023 08-08-2024 Junior Engineer National Housing Development Corporation Limited 9 (s) 77212825 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Jigme Wangdi 10901001442 C028949 01-02-2024 19-09-2024 Cleaner BHutan postal corporation Limited 19 17964459 Yes Samten Lhamo 10906000980 17608131 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Jigme Wangdi 10901001442 C028949 01-02-2024 18-10-2024 Cleaner Bhutan Postal corporation limited 19 17964459 Yes Samten lhamo 10906000980 17964459 House wife -- NA --
Choeten Thinley 10902000366 28905 01-01-2008 04-06-2024 Sr. Teacher-II Babesa Higher Secondary School, Thimphu Thromde 8 17685372 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Choeten Thinley 10902000366 28905 01-06-1980 07-08-2024 Sr. Teacher-II Babesa Higher Secondary School, Thimphu Thromde 6 77685372 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Choeten Thinley 10902000366 28905 01-01-2008 24-11-2024 Sr. Teacher-II Babesa Higher Secondary School, Thimphu Thromde 5 17685372 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected as Tenant not paying the Security Deposit, not responding calls and messages through WhatsApp and SMS.
Ugyen Tashi 10903000391 20872 15-07-1995 15-05-2024 Office Clerk BPC D-3 17931122 Yes Late Dupchu Zangmo 11514002914 17931122 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Karma Tshering 10903001764 34374 05-01-2010 09-05-2024 IT Technician Bhutan Power Corporation Limited B4 77822375 Yes Tenzin Lhamo 11509003867 77322488 C/o Karma Tshering, BPCL, Thimphu NA -- NA --
Kezang Choden 10903002939 50120 01-03-2016 10-06-2024 Teacher Zilon Namgyaling Lower Secondary School 7 17370168 Yes Tsheten 10902001440 77354431 Private NA -- NA --
Kezang Choden 10903002939 50120 01-03-2016 22-10-2024 Teacher Zilon Namgyelling LSS, Thimphu Thromde VII 17370168 Yes Tsheten 10902001440 77412462 Unemployed NA -- NA --
Sonam Phuntsho 10903003298 17165 15-12-2000 09-05-2024 Civil Registration Assistant Department of Civil Registration & Census, Ministry of Home Affairs 11 17715229 Yes Gaten Zangmo 10903003302 17698835 NA NA -- NA --
Karma wangchuk 10903003337 C001885 01-01-2022 13-05-2024 Technician Tashichhodzing Mantainenane Division (TMD) 11 77842988 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Karma Yangki 10904000341 52922 01-01-2017 10-05-2024 Asst. Engineer IV Department of Industry, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment 9 17515871 Yes Cheki Wangchuk 11204002252 17487788 Private NA -- NA --
Tshering Dendup 10904002080 71373 01-01-2021 21-10-2024 Assistant Planning Officer Ministry of Home Affairs P5A 17583550 Yes Tendey Pema 12008000748 17874898 Nganglam Central School, Pemagatshel -- NA --
Sonam Chophel 10904003150 C028947 07-06-1997 05-06-2024 Engineer MoIT P5A 17614912 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Chophel 10905000116 27813 01-07-2007 11-04-2024 Sr. Pharmacy Technician JDWNRH, NMS, MoH 8 17745862 Yes Chophel 11514001829 17691843 JDWNRH, NMS, MoH NA -- NA --
Sonam Dorji 10905002382 28915 01-05-2008 08-06-2024 Sr. Gewog Administrative Officer Dungmin, Pemagatshel (Presently deputation to Gyalsung Headquarters, Thimphu) P3A (6) 17805995 Yes Tshering Dema 11510004156 17681665 NA NA -- NA --
Pema Wangmo 10905002556 40074 01-02-2012 08-08-2024 Sr.Technician Thimphu Thromde X 17688871 Yes Dawa 10714001282 17500905 Mowhs NA -- NA --
Thinley Chazom 10905005808 C011005 05-12-2023 03-01-2025 Program Associate IV NPPF, Thimphu 12 17957734 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Kinzang Tshering 10906000240 35081 15-07-2010 20-11-2024 Sr.Manager Bhutan Livestock Development Corporation Ltd 7 17703232 Yes Dechen Wangmo 11507001548 17681083 -- NA -- NA Rejected as Payslip not being signed and sealed.
Kinzang Tshering 10906000240 35081 01-01-2018 10-04-2024 Manager Bhutan Livestock Development Corporation Limited 7 17703232 Yes Dechen Wangmo 11507001548 17681083 House wife NA -- NA --
Kinzang Tshering 10906000240 35081 15-07-2010 06-06-2024 Manager Bhutan Livestock Development Corporation Limited 7 17703232 Yes Dechen Wangmo 11507001548 17681083 House wife NA -- NA --
Kinzang Tshering 10906000240 35081 01-07-2010 07-08-2024 Manager Bhutan Livestock Development Corporation Limited 7 17703232 Yes Dechen Wangmo 11507001548 17681083 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Cheten Dubjur 10906000722 16818 11-01-2001 12-04-2024 Senior Foreman Druk Green Power Corporation 8 17669054 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Cheten Dubjur 10906000722 16818 12-01-2001 18-11-2024 Senior Foreman Druk Green Power Corporation 8 17669054 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected as call is not responding as called multiple times
Cheten Dubjur 10906000722 16818 01-12-2001 29-01-2025 Senior Foreman Druk Green Power Corporation 8 17669054 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Choyzang Dupjur 10906002462 18867 01-11-2022 31-12-2024 Senior Communication Technician IV Department of School Education, MoESD, Thimphu IX (S1) 17622688 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Choyzang Dupjur 10906002462 18867 01-11-2002 13-05-2024 Sr. Communication Technician IV Ministry of Education and Skills Development, Thimphu IX (S1A) 17622688 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Yeshi Dorji 10906002498 11830 01-07-1998 15-03-2024 Manager CDCL Construction Development corporation Ltd 5 17700541 Yes Dema 10603001465 17695223 Housewife NA Allotted THC2B17R0417, IIC/57A
Yeshi Dorji 10906002498 11830 01-07-1998 15-03-2024 Manager CDCL Construction Development corporation Ltd 5 17700541 Yes dema 10603001465 17695223 Housewife NA Allotted THC2B17R0417, IIC/57A
Rinzin Dorji 10907001312 30114 04-08-2008 09-05-2024 PC Technician DGPC 10 17610078 Yes Tshering Dema 11812000740 17998585 DGPC NA -- NA --
Kinley penjor 11002002055 45207 01-10-2013 20-09-2024 Driver Driver 14 17692862 Yes Thinley Wangmo 10704000367 17350146 Wife NA -- NA --
Pema Dorji 11002002318 26276 01-01-2007 16-03-2024 Deputy Chief Department of Macro-Fiscal and Development Finance P2 17956361 Yes Tashi Lhamo 10905000024 17654003 Unemployed NA -- NA --
Pema Dorji 11002002318 26276 01-01-2007 10-04-2024 Dy. Chief Department of Macro-Fiscal and Development Finance, MoF Male 17956361 Yes Tashi Lhamo 10905000024 17654003 Self employed NA -- NA --
Lotey Gyeltshen 11004000786 16112 08-04-2021 23-10-2024 Language Specialist National Assembly of Bhutan P1 (4) 17708435 Yes Choiney Wangmo 11302000955 17683225 Druk Green Power Corporation Limited NA Rejected because there was no seal and sign of finance officer in pay slip
Sangay Dorji 11005003642 C024832 01-09-2023 22-10-2024 Associate Internal Auditor Bhutan Development Bank Ltd. viii 17296043 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Sangay Dorji 11005003642 C024832 01-09-2023 17-10-2024 11005003642 Bhutan Development Bank Ltd. viii 17296043 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Dorji Phuntsho 11006000670 10929 01-07-1997 05-06-2024 Sr. Teacher I MoESD, DoSE, Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School 4 (P1) 17657008 Yes Namgay Zam 11006001829 17811453 Housewife NA Rejected by Tenant dated 14/06/2024
Dorji Phuntsho 11006000670 10929 01-07-1997 08-08-2024 Sr. Teacher I MoESD, DoSE, Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School 4 (P1) 17657008 Yes Namgay Zam 11006001829 17811453 Housewife NA Rejected as payslip is of may 2024
Namgay Zam 11007000394 28738 01-01-2008 09-06-2024 Teacher MOESD 5 17473791 Yes Ugyen Tshewang 11909000681 17619668 MOESD NA -- NA --
Kencho Dorji 11007001690 19736 01-07-2004 12-04-2024 Associate Accounts Gerab Nyed-Yon Limited 8 17621455 Yes Lhamo 10807000992 17630700 DrukGreen Power Corporation Limited NA -- NA --
Jamyang Teazin 11008000565 16858 01-08-2001 23-10-2024 SR FR I Department of Thimphu Forest Division. DoFPS. MoENR VI 17807612 Yes Yeshimo 10102000952 17424564 House wife NA cancelled by Applicant
Kinzang Namgay 11008001551 14588 08-01-2000 15-03-2024 Deputy Chief Forest Officer Department of Water 5 17505208 Yes Cheki Wangmo 11512003548 17632106 House wife NA -- NA --
Pema Lhaki 11008001562 27980 01-05-2007 14-05-2024 Binder Kuensel Corporation Limited 11 17680825 Yes Tseten Dorji 11510003897 17847234 Kuensel Corporation Limited NA -- NA --
Pema Lhaki 11008001562 27980 01-05-2007 19-09-2024 Binder KUENSEL Corpration Limited 13 77980825 Yes Tseten Dorji 11510003897 17847234 Kuensel Corporation Limited NA -- NA --
Pema Lhaki 11008001562 27980 01-05-2007 31-12-2024 Binder Kuensel Corporation Limited 11 17680825 Yes Tseten Dorji 11510003897 17847234 kuensel corporation limited NA -- NA --
Namgay Pelmo 11009001347 35876 08-11-2010 31-12-2024 Sr. Office Secretary Bhutan Telecom Limitted 12 17140083 Yes Wangdi 11009001347 17685643 Not Working NA -- NA --
Namgay Pelmo 11009001347 35876 08-11-2010 13-05-2024 Sr. Office Secretary Bhutan Telecom Limitted 13 17140083 Yes Wangdi 11009001347 17685643 Not Working NA -- NA --
Ugyen Jamtsho 11101002152 38466 01-08-2011 30-12-2024 Staff Nurse Ministry of Health Male 17323309 Yes Kinga Wangmo 10907001622 17803590 DGPC NA -- NA --
Tashi Dorji 11101003208 32889 01-11-2009 29-01-2025 Assistant ADM Officer Kuensel Corporation Limited L4 - G8 17674812 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Tashi Dorji 11101003208 32889 01-11-2009 10-05-2024 Sr. Adm Assistant Kuensel Corporation Limited 9 17674812 Yes Tashi Yangzom 11506000074 17860451 housewife NA -- NA --
Dorji Gyeltshen 11102002682 30177 01-07-2008 14-03-2024 Sr. Menpa National Traditional Medicinal Hospital, National Medical Services, Ministry of Health VII 17826103 Yes Passang Bidha 11903000750 17577317 National Traditional Medicinal Hospital, National Medical Services, Ministry of Health NA -- NA --
Dorji Gyeltshen 11102002682 30177 01-11-2008 11-04-2024 Senior Menpa National Traditional Medicine Hospital VII 17826103 Yes Passang Bidha 11903000750 17826103 National Traditional Medicine Hospital NA -- NA --
Tashi 11102003786 40186 15-03-1982 15-03-2024 Bill Collector Kuensel Corporation Ltd 10 77298024 Yes Tshering Yangdon 11105004609 77265757 House Wife REJECTED AS HE IS NOT BACHOLAR
Tashi 11102003786 40186 01-03-2012 19-09-2024 Bill Collector Kuensel Corporation Ltd 10 77298024 Yes Tshering Yangdon 11105004609 77265757 House wife NA criteria not fulfilled as grade is higher for particular flat
Tashi 11102003786 40186 01-03-2012 31-12-2024 Bill Collector Kuensel Corporation Ltd 09 77298024 Yes Tshering Yangdon 11105004609 77265757 House wife NA -- NA --
Tashi 11102003786 40186 01-03-2012 29-01-2025 Bill Collector Kuensel Corporation Ltd 09 77298024 Yes Tshering Yangdon 11105004609 77265757 House wife NA -- NA --
Karma Lhadon 11102005109 8308 14-04-1994 04-02-2025 Accounts Assistant III Ministry of Health Female 17418008 Yes Yonten Gyamtsho 10906002164 17998400 Ministry of Agriculture NA -- NA --
Sherab Lodhen 11102007925 37068 01-04-2011 07-06-2024 Procurement Officer Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources 6 17555118 Yes Karma Wangmo 10709000828 77366702 Housewife NA -- NA --
Jigme Thinley 11103000536 28391 15-03-2008 09-05-2024 Sr. Program Officer Royal Civil Service Commission 6 17731161 Yes Ugyen Choden 11102001004 17233440 Nil NA -- NA --
Ghana Shyam Tamang 11103002038 23562 24-08-2005 20-11-2024 Chief Manager Bhutan Power Corporation Limited A1 17639585 Yes Dirpa Gurung 11103001273 17616660 -- NA -- NA Allotted to Ghana Shyam Tamang. flat no. THC2B20R0103
Phuntsho Tashi 11104000716 56928 01-09-2017 10-05-2024 Credit Officer Bhutan National Bank Male 17171580 Yes Dechen Choden 11301000846 17388132 NA NA -- NA --
Karma Tshering 11104001892 26606 01-01-2007 05-06-2024 Teacher Wangbama Central School 4 17714849 Yes Kencho Lhaden 11104001904 17533447 Unemployed NA -- NA --
Karma Tshering 11104001892 26606 01-01-2007 11-07-2024 Teacher Wangbama Central School 5 17714849 Yes Kencho Lhaden 11104001904 17533447 NA NA -- NA --
Yeshi Zangmo 11104003114 C005351 30-11-2022 08-08-2024 Treasury Officer Bhutan National Bank Limited 8 17286674 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Nidup Jamtsho 11104003705 C028217 01-01-2024 19-11-2024 Associate Lecturer Faculty of Nursing and Public Health P3A 17455015 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected by tenant as he didn\'t like the flat.
Pema Chedup 11104004046 60029 01-05-2019 21-11-2024 Planning Officer Election Commission of Bhutan, Kawajangsa, Thimphu 7 17973632 Yes Choki Nima 10716001562 17852657 Druk Norzang Pvt. Ltd, Thimphu. NA Rejected by tenant as he didn\'t like the flat.
Jamyang Pelmo 11104004070 50786 08-10-2016 13-03-2024 Associate NPPF 11 17452816 Yes Kelzang wangdi 11605002502 17452816 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Yangki Tashi 11105002818 38089 01-07-2011 09-04-2024 Sr. Revenue Inspector Regional Revenue and Customs Office, Thimphu P5/SS4 17589205 Yes Sonam Norbu 11510000936 17700595 Department of Agriculture NA -- NA --
Yangki Tashi 11105002818 38089 01-07-2011 07-06-2024 Sr. Revenue Inspector Regional Revenue and Customs Office, Thimphu 8 17589205 Yes Sonam Norbu 11510000936 17700595 Department of Agriculture and Livestock. NA -- NA --
Pema Tobgay 11105004484 47898 15-08-2014 10-05-2024 sMenpa II National Traditional Medicine Hospital, National Traditional Medicine Service, NMS 9 17961774 Yes Karma Youden 11604001805 17780935 NA NA -- NA --
Pema Tobgay 11105004484 47816 15-08-2014 11-05-2024 sMenpa II National Traditional Medicine Hospital, National Traditional Medicine Service, NMS 9 17961774 Yes Karma Youden 11604001805 17780935 NA NA -- NA --
Thinley Dolma 11106003238 20171 23-06-2003 29-01-2025 Junior Engineer Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd. B3/8 17957344 Yes Sangay Chophel 11514001929 77209324 Pvt. NA -- NA --
Tashi Phuntsho 11107001451 366533 01-01-2011 15-03-2024 Integrity Promotion Officer Anti Corruption Commission 05 17936504 Yes Deki Yangzom 11607002306 17874598 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Tashi Phuntsho 11107001451 366533 01-01-2011 15-03-2024 Integrity Promotion Officer Anti Corruption Commission 05 17936504 Yes Deki Yangzom 11607002306 17874598 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Rinchen Khando 11107003320 56021 01-01-2018 11-04-2024 Dy. Executive Engineer Government Technology (GovTech) Agency 6 (P3A) 17751134 Yes Sonam Wangmo 11505002602 17581089 Phensem Parents Support Group NA -- NA --
Dema Yangzom 11107004627 16542 01-07-2021 22-07-2024 Mid wife Ministry of Health 7 17785395 Yes Dawa Gyeltshen 10301001359 17700977 Dzongkhag Administration NA -- NA --
Tshewang Chojay 11107006300 30656 01-01-2009 07-08-2024 Dy Chief ICT officer Gov Tech Agency 5 17806616 Yes Sonam Wangmo 11107001815 17411151 NA NA -- NA --
Sonam Nyenda 11107007326 51599 09-01-2016 10-04-2024 Engineer National Pension and Provident Fund 6 17117280 Yes Tandin Choden 11107001182 17323747 House wife NA -- NA --
Sonam Tobgay 11107007506 18171 01-07-2022 25-07-2024 Executive Engineer DOST P2A 17249614 Yes Sangay Lhamo 11401000932 17997859 House wife NA -- NA --
Peter Gurung 11109000076 61967 07-01-2019 20-09-2024 Ward Boy Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital GSP 17662169 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Peter Gurung 11109000076 61967 07-01-2019 22-10-2024 Ward Boy Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referreal Hospital GSP 17662169 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Krishna Kumar Khati 11109000740 46043 01-01-2014 14-03-2024 Execitive Engineer Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport 5 17938437 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Damber Kumar Biswa 11109000952 42742 15-11-2012 20-09-2024 Associate Credit Review Officer Bhutan Development Bank Ltd 8 17631566 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- criteria not fulfilled as grade is higher for particular flat
Damber Kumar Biswa 11109000952 42742 15-11-2012 27-10-2024 Associate Credit Review Officer Bhutan Development Bank Ltd 8 77973322 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Abi Narayan Khatiwara 11109002761 16551 01-07-2001 05-06-2024 Ophthalmic Assistant Jigme Dorji National Referral Hospital, National Eye Center, Thimphu 7 17484266 Yes Ganga Devi Adhikari 11103001126 17640371 house wife NA Rejected as CID copy incomplete uploaded and payslip not signed by Account office as instructed.
Nungney Lhamo 11111000254 20806 31-01-2004 14-05-2024 Accounts Assistant Royal Monetary Authority, Thimphu SS5 17420373 Yes Kelzang Wangdi 11111001063 17470030 MOE&SD NA -- NA --
Nungney Lhamo 11111000254 20806 31-01-2004 14-05-2024 Accounts Assistant Royal Monetary Authority, Thimphu SS5 17420373 Yes Kelzang Wangdi 11111001063 77237231 MOE&SD NA -- NA --
Nungney Lhamo 11111000254 20806 17-07-1982 04-02-2025 Accounts Assistant Royal Monetary Authority, Thimphu SS4 17420373 Yes Kelzang Wangdi 11111001063 77237231 MOE&SD NA -- NA --
Sanjeeta Chhetri 11201003759 P000716 01-01-2022 21-11-2024 Treasurer Financial Institutions Association of Bhutan M1 17551646 Yes Beroj Sharma 10304002676 17806175 JDWNRH NA -- NA --
Dhan Maya Gurung 11201004534 29260 01-07-2008 03-02-2025 Sr.ICT Technical Associate Faculty of Nursing and Public Health Female 17651127 Yes Birkha Bahadur Gurung 11802000429 17403482 National Statistics Bureau NA -- NA --
Suk Bdr Rai 11202001489 63284 01-07-2019 18-09-2024 GSP JDWNRH GSP 17831654 Yes Padma Kumari Powrel 10304003994 17750848 MoESD NA -- NA --
Binod Rai 11202002054 6883 01-08-2024 12-08-2024 teacher MoESD 03 17436852 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected due to grade
Mani Kumar Ghalay 11202002577 19025 01-01-2002 05-06-2024 Assistant Engineer Bhutan Telecom Ltd. Thimphu C5 (8) 17113519 Yes Babita Gurung 31216000217 17645255 BCSEA-MOESD. Thimphu. NA Rejected as payslip doesnot have account officer sign
pritika mongar 11202004038 49532 15-11-2015 10-08-2024 Staff nurse Ministry of health:JDWNRH 8 17490082 Yes Narayan monger 11308004439 17839817 Private NA -- NA --
Rohit Singh Ghalley 11202004800 24511 01-01-2006 09-05-2024 Driver Bhutan Postal Corporation limited 13 17622541 Yes Esu Maya Ghalley 11204000807 17672940 BNBL NA -- NA --
Rohit singh ghalley 11202004800 24511 01-01-2006 21-09-2024 Driver Bhutan postal corporation 13 17622541 Yes Esu maya 11204000807 17672940 House wife NA -- NA --
ROHIT SINGH GHALLEY 11202004800 0601349 01-01-2006 31-12-2024 DRIVER BHUTAN POSTAL CORPORATION LTD 13 17622541 Yes ESU MAYA GHALLEY 11204000807 17672940 NIL NA -- NA --
Alka Pradhan 11203000304 19118 19-12-2002 09-05-2024 Sr. Engineer Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd. 7 17667416 Yes Ngawang Penden 10810001185 17925129 Freelance NA -- NA --
Binod Rai 11203002054 6883 01-08-1993 12-08-2024 teacher MoESD 03 17436852 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected due to grade
Sachin Limbu 11204000988 26968 09-05-2007 09-04-2024 Senior Environment Officer Department of Environment and Climate Change, MoENR 6 17774440 Yes Jessica Ghishing 10304001334 17251715 house wife NA -- NA --
Karma Wangmo 11204003652 39803 01-01-2012 14-05-2024 Bonded Ware House Army Welfare Project Limited 10 17372732 Yes Gyem Gyeltshen 10401000121 17561998 Govt service NA -- NA --
Nar Bahadur Bishwa 11206002533 72806 01-07-2021 20-09-2024 Ward Boy JDWNRH, Natoonal Medical Services GSP 17587105 Yes Kawshila 11201002004 17448799 NA NA -- NA --
Madhan Krishna Dhakal 11206004752 46925 04-01-2014 31-12-2024 Technician Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd b4 17427660 Yes Pranita Sharma 11208004487 17878489 Unemployed NA -- NA --
Madhan Krishna Dhakal 11206004752 46925 01-04-2014 14-01-2025 Technician Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd 10 17427660 Yes Pranita Sharma 11208004487 17878489 Unemployed Rejected as he is married
Suraksha Acharya 11206006759 59511 03-01-2019 22-10-2024 Human Resource Officer Kuensel Corporation limited 7 17882206 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Suraksha Acharya 11206006759 59511 01-03-2019 22-10-2024 Human Resource Officer Kuensel Corporation limited 7 17882206 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Suraksha Acharya 11206006759 59511 01-03-2019 08-08-2024 Human Resource Officer Kuensel Corporation limited 7 17882206 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Kubir Raj Rai 11207000885 69427 01-03-2020 26-07-2024 Ward Boy JDWNRH JS2 17804312 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Pem Choki 11208000274 11515 30-08-1998 04-02-2025 Senior Health Assistant National Medical Services, Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital, Thimphu Bhutan P3/SS2 17689363 Yes Tempa Gyeltshen 11901000210 17583747 Faculty of Traditional Medicine, Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences, Thimphu Bhutan NA -- NA --
Pema Chogyal 11208000435 37089 01-03-2011 17-03-2024 Teacher Changzamtog Middle Secondary School 5 17442449 Yes Chorten Zangmo 11512002685 17594962 House wife NA -- NA --
Pema Chogyall 11208000435 37089 01-03-2011 17-03-2024 Teacher Changzamtog Middle Secondary School 5 17442449 Yes Chorten Zangmo 11512002685 17594962 House wife NA -- NA --
Pema Chogyal 11208000435 37089 01-01-2011 13-04-2024 Teacher Changzamtog Middle Secondary School 5/P2A 17442449 Yes Choten Zangmo 11512002685 17594962 House wife NA -- NA --
Lhakpa Deki Sharpa 11208000825 61972 01-03-2018 19-09-2024 Cleaner National Medical Services, JDWNRH GSP 77463823 Yes Omraj Gurung 11202006544 17720184 Dessup Skilling Programme NA -- NA --
Kinley Tshering 11208001449 38570 06-05-2010 11-07-2024 DEPUTY MANAGER RICBL 6 17808838 Yes THINLEY ZANGMO 11106004387 17702100 RICBL NA -- NA --
Pema Choden 11208002366 17413 01-01-2002 12-04-2024 Teacher MoESD IV 17642913 Yes Throwa Tenzin 11312002725 16929219 DHI NA -- NA --
Pema Choden 11208002366 17413 01-01-2002 09-06-2024 Teacher MoESD IV 17642913 Yes Throwa Tenzin 11312002725 16929219 DHI NA Rejected as CID copy uploaded incomplete
Pema Choden 11208002366 17413 01-01-2002 20-11-2024 Teacher MoESD IV 17642913 Yes Throwa Tenzin 11312002725 16929219 Kofuku Company . NA Rejected as the house is small
Pema Choden 11208002366 17413 01-01-2002 03-02-2025 Teacher MoESD IV 17642913 Yes Throwa Tenzin 11312002725 16929219 Kofuku Company . NA -- NA --
Rinchen Dema 11208002856 C001202 01-01-2022 03-01-2025 Court clerk Judiciary 10 77475641 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Ugyen Choden 11208002945 36429 14-02-2011 10-05-2024 Senior Agent III Bhutan Telecom Limited D4 17779797 Yes Kinley Penjor 10502000657 17615548 Nil NA -- NA --
Nir maya powdrel 11210000139 68488 01-09-2017 09-05-2024 Adm.Asst KGUMSB 13 77891971 Yes Mukti Nath Basnet 11303004409 17687810 BHSL NA -- NA --
Khaser Khando Dukpa 11210000378 33193 01-11-2009 03-02-2025 Driver 1 Minister of Agriculture and livestock Male 17672963 Yes Pema Wangmo 12005003717 17678550 Housewife NA -- NA --
Bhakta Bdr Baniya 11210000742 63233 01-04-2017 25-09-2024 Wardboy Ministry of health JDWNRH Gsp 77317332 Yes Pabi Maya Sanyasi 11807001761 77602484 Ministry of health JDWNRH NA -- NA --
Bhakta Bahadur Biswakarma 11211000042 4584 08-01-1988 31-12-2024 Driver Natural Resources Development Corporation Ltd. 12 17759768 Yes Nar Maya Dharnal 10313000745 17709187 Unemployed (House wife) NA Allotted flat (THC3C07R0002) to Bhakta Bdr. Biswakarma w.e.f Jan 2025
Sonam Tshultrim 11211001360 21338 01-01-2004 19-11-2024 Sr. teacher ministry of education, Chang Rigphel primary school iv 77664428 Yes Sonam Zangmo 11211000769 17750242 house wife NA Rejected as CID card is expired
RUIS KUMAR GHALEY 11213001508 1104522 01-04-2011 03-02-2025 POSTAL ASSISTANT BHUTAN POSTAL CORP. LTD 14 17634641 Yes PHUL MAYA GHALLEY 11202002989 77634641 HOUSE WIFE NA -- NA --
Pancha Maya Limboo 11213005158 6620 01-07-2013 30-10-2024 Cleaner NMS,JDWNRHospital GSP 17787319 Yes Suk ma rai 10205004703 17915110 nil NA -- NA --
Aita Singh Tamang 11215000707 68003 01-01-2020 18-10-2024 Hydromet technician National Center for hydrology and meteorology S5 77396048 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Tshering Yangdon 11302000822 C005337 11-01-2022 10-05-2024 Program Associate NPPF 12 77785251 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Kinley Jamtsho 11302002414 43030 01-01-2013 06-06-2024 Executive Engineer Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources 5 17805472 Yes Kezang Yudon 11107000100 17805509 House wife NA -- NA --
Kinley Jamtsho 11302002414 43030 01-01-2013 01-02-2025 Executive Engineer Department of Energy 5 17805472 Yes Kezang Yudon 11107000100 17805509 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Tek Bdr. Gurung 11302002949 38478 07-01-2011 31-12-2024 Ophthalmic Technician Ministry of Health, Nine 16936352 Yes Sunita Gurung 11201005933 17716925 N/A NA -- NA --
Tulasa Devi Ghalley 11303000860 25598 01-07-2006 10-06-2024 Pharmacy Technician Ministry of Health 8 17666719 Yes Ramesh 11303000860 17342744 Private NA Rejected by applicant dated 18/07/2024 by call
Tshedar 11303002956 10961 12-09-1974 21-11-2024 Chief Program Officer Ministry of Health, Kawajangsa, Thimphu Male 17674052 Yes Sangay Choden 11302000298 17717060 House wife NA Rejected by the tenant. reason given was flat was small
Kamal KUmar Gurung 11305004769 41886 01-02-2012 04-02-2025 Binder Kuensel Corporation Limited 13 17627354 Yes Pushpa Gurung 11309002524 17594202 house wife NA -- NA --
BHAWANI SHANKAR DUNGANA 11308000944 C028467 01-01-2024 19-11-2024 Associate Lecturer Faculty of Nursing and Public Health P3 17815027 Yes Namgay wangmo 11411002440 17470623 Housewife NA -- NA --
Neera Darjee 11308003488 C006525 01-03-2023 09-05-2024 Junior Engineer Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources S2A, 77869988 Yes Suresh Kumar Darjee 11308000979 17430159 Ministry of Health NA -- NA --
Dibya Maya sunar 11309000348 4557 25-07-1988 05-06-2024 Sr. Office Secretary Bhutan Power system operator, Thimphu B4 17607881 Yes Puran Kumar Dural 10211002699 17627235 Retired NA Rejected as she is in grade B4 which is grade 10
Tshering Wangmo 11312000022 44145 01-05-2013 09-05-2024 Sr. Administrative Assistant Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan S2 17702716 Yes Hochu 11407001291 77493993 Unemployed NA -- NA --
Dawa Drakpa 11312001021 28996 01-04-2008 10-05-2024 Driver Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited 13 17669454 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Dawa Drakpa 11312001021 28996 27-05-1985 01-01-2025 Driver Natural Resources Development Corporation Ltd. 12 17669454 Yes Kinzang Choden 11106002714 17461301 House wife NA -- NA --
Leki Drakpa 11312001590 Nil 14-09-1998 18-09-2024 Driver Department of Culture and Dzongkha Development male 77734303 No Padma Kumari Powrel 11202001489 77750848 JDWNRH rejected because didn\'t enter NPPF No.
Kezang Dorji 11312001913 49827 01-01-2016 11-07-2024 Urban Planner Thimphu Thromde P3 (A) 17330986 Yes Tshering Pelden 10806000794 17807980 Ministry of Inftrastrcuture and Transport (MoIT) NA -- NA --
Suk Rani Rai 11313000016 63727 01-07-2019 20-09-2024 Sweeper JDWNRH, National Medical Services GSP 17585575 Yes Harka Bdr rai 10308002324 17611208 Business man NA -- NA --
Karma Zangmo 11315002490 44856 01-08-2013 30-12-2024 Personal Assistant Royal Audit Authority 11 17769632 Yes Dorji Namgyel 11503002440 77227367 Pvt. Driver NA -- NA --
Tshering Lhaden 11401000933 C022615 01-07-2023 21-10-2024 Instructor Bhutan Olympic Committee Female 17425994 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Kinley Zam 11401001926 5973 01-01-1991 15-03-2024 Sr. Office Assistant Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan SS3 17604577 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA Allotted IIC/26 wef may 2024
Kinley Om 11401001927 11054 01-08-1997 10-04-2024 Senior Agriculture Supervisor I National Centre For Organic Agriculture Yusipang 5 17619331 Yes Jigme Dorji 12004002511 17859139 National Soil Service Centre, Simtokha NA Rejected by applicant dated 18/07/2024 by call
Sangay Wangchuk 11405000638 5461 01-02-1990 15-03-2024 Principal Cultural Property Officer Department of Culture and Dzongkhang Development P1 17654536 Yes Kezang Dema 11911000269 17671501 House wife NA Rejected looking for 3 bhk
Chador Wangmo 11407001917 23203 01-03-2005 12-04-2024 Vice Principal Ministry of Education and Skills Development 5 17420771 Yes Dorji Leythro 11704003580 17605808 Ministry of Education and Skills Development NA -- NA --
Tsheten Dorji 11410001779 10140 01-01-1996 03-02-2025 Principal Soil Survey and Land Evalution Officer NSSC,DoA,MoA 4 17359602 Yes Phub Zangmp 11704003629 17674366 DoPH,MoH NA -- NA --
Dawa Tshering 11410005931 14759 18-10-1972 20-11-2024 Manager NPPF 5 17678353 Yes dsdsdsd 11410005911 17678888 sds NA Test test
Dawa Tshering 11410005931 14759 01-07-2000 06-08-2024 Manager Testing 5 17678353 Yes Testing 11809000603 17618697 House wife NA -- NA --
Ngawang Pem 11410006427 12596 01-01-1999 09-05-2024 Sr. MVI BCTA, MOIT 7 17601209 Yes Sonam Norbu 10802001066 17601209 Not working ( Outside country ) I am sharing my Mobile no. as he not in Bhutan NA -- NA --
Trashi Dorji 11411000162 19008 01-01-2002 09-08-2024 Associate Engineer Bhutan Telecom Ltd Thimphu 8 17113301 Yes Phurba Lhamo 11913000794 17543757 Shingkhar Private Limited NA -- NA --
Trashi Dorji 11411000162 19008 01-01-2002 04-02-2025 Associate Engineer Bhutan Telecom Ltd Thimphu 8 17113301 Yes Phurba Lhamo 11913000794 17543757 Kia Shingkhar Pvt Ltd NA -- NA --
TSHERING YANGZOM 11497000110 8550 04-01-1995 14-05-2024 CHIEF TELLER BHUTAN NATIONAL BANK LTD 9 17123304 Yes KESANG DORJI 11512001582 77606137 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Karma Drupchu 11501000859 C006774 01-02-2023 21-10-2024 Technician Ministry of Health 11 17446076 Yes Thugje Mo 10302002099 17997382 unemployment -- NA --
NAMKHA DORJI 11501002128 C030191 02-04-2024 09-08-2024 Electrical Engineer National Housing Development Corporation Ltd 6 17666165 Yes Tenzin Dolma 11502000478 17920449 TTI Thimphu, Serbithang, MoESD, Thimphu NA -- NA --
Kinzang Lhendup 11502001950 C030970 01-07-2024 17-10-2024 Auditor II Royal Audit Authority S2A(10) 17717510 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Kencho Dorji 11502003147 25334 01-07-2006 01-01-2025 Sr. Associate Bhutan Postal Corporation limited 9 17642299 Yes Dechen Euden 11602001547 17239327 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Tshering 11503003531 19256 03-01-2003 31-01-2025 AE BBS, Thimphu 8 17744613 Yes Lhadon Zangmo 11512004614 17475104 housewife NA -- NA --
Yangku 11503003595 36726 01-03-2011 14-01-2025 Technician(Auto) State Trading Corporation of Bhutan 14 17692528 Yes Chimi Yuden 10703000367 17913368 Housewife Reject as he is married
Yangku 11503003595 36726 01-03-2011 05-02-2025 Technician(Auto) State Trading Corporation of Bhutan 14 17692528 Yes Chimi Yuden 10703000367 17913368 Housewife -- NA --
Karma Wangchuk 11503003905 7324 01-09-1992 03-02-2025 Dy.Chief Auditor Royal Audit Authority 5 17703530 Yes Tshering Lham 10802002081 17610127 Ministry of Education NA Rejected as spouse have residential unit at NHDCL under her name.
Sonam Choki 11503004548 25656 01-08-2006 31-12-2024 store keeper DGPC 8 17733956 Yes Pema Chheda 11516000168 17860960 Regional Office, Pling NA -- NA --
Namgay wangchuk 11504000344 53746 15-07-2017 31-12-2024 Sr.surveyor Construction Development Cooperation limited S2 17365885 Yes Phurpa Dema 11506000835 17828013 Nil NA -- NA --
Dorjee 11504000619 21437 01-03-2004 14-05-2024 Sr.Store Assistant, S2A JDWNRH,Procurement Division,NMS,MOH S2A 17662149 Yes Sanga Chedon 11504001415 17502915 N/A NA -- NA --
Chimi Wangmo 11504001243 30946 01-01-2009 14-05-2024 Admin. Assistant Bhutan Olympic Committee 10 17635145 Yes Chheda 11513002310 17711191 Royal Audit Authority, Thimphu NA -- NA --
Tshering Nedup 11505001448 26044 01-07-2006 07-08-2024 Accounts Assistant III Desuung Skilling Programme,Thimphu VIII 17362965 Yes Thinley Zangmo 11503000661 17434495 House wife NA -- NA --
Singye Wangchuk 11505002968 34145 01-01-2010 14-03-2024 Sr. Teacher Changzamtog MSS 6 17615272 Yes Pema Yangden 11512003751 17822880 NCHM NA -- NA --
Singye Wangchuk 11505002968 34145 01-01-2010 09-05-2024 Sr. Teacher Changzamtog MSS 6 17615272 Yes Pema Yangden 11512003751 17822880 NCHM NA -- NA --
Singye Wangchuk 11505002968 34145 01-01-2010 18-11-2024 Sr. Teacher Changzamtog MSS V 17615272 Yes Pema Yangden 11512003751 17822880 NCHM NA Rejected by tenants as the flat was small for him to occupy.
Tashi Dorji 11505003642 27773 01-04-2007 05-09-2024 Teacher Ministry of education and skill development 4 17691550 Yes Phuntsho wangmo 11216001375 17715955 RBA NA -- NA --
Karma Tenzin 11505003682 18825 01-10-2002 03-01-2025 Electrician JDWNRH O1 17312676 Yes Kinzang Wangmo 11513004636 77746240 Housewife NA -- NA --
Thinley 11505004689 9831 05-01-1996 08-08-2024 Namgyel Gyalsung Academy, Khotokha SS4/8 17652183 Yes Dorji Youden 10605002139 77397916 House wife NA Rejected, payslip not submitted but relieving order submitted
Yesel lhamo 11505004700 60044 03-07-2019 03-01-2025 Bench clerk Judiciary 9 17581758 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Yeshi Choden 11505005205 C029834 04-03-2024 03-01-2025 PROGRAM ASSOCIATE IV NPPF 12 17503445 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Sonam Wangchuk 11506001649 35894 18-04-1985 05-02-2025 Executive Engineer Druk Green Power Corporation 5 17606195 Yes Pema Yangzom 11705000843 17838956 Druk Green Power Corporation NA -- NA --
Tashi Wangdi 11506003923 42180 01-08-2012 11-04-2024 Dy. Chief IT Officer Druk Green Power Corporation Limited M1 17727571 Yes Sonam Lhamo 11506003923 17712498 NA NA -- NA --
Tashi Wangdi 11506003923 42180 08-01-2012 07-08-2024 Dy. Chief IT Officer Druk Green Power Corporation Limited M1 17727571 Yes Sonam Lhamo 11504003397 17712498 NA NA -- NA --
Thukten Dendup 11506004896 40136 05-03-2011 09-05-2024 Driver Bbscl S2-5 17276484 Yes Tshering Dema 11111001124 17417305 Housewife NA -- NA --
Bothpa 11506005985 36326 01-01-2010 09-05-2024 Motor Transport Officer BBSCL S1-4 17698785 Yes Tshering Dema 11606002568 17963145 House wife NA -- NA --
Chimi Wangmo 11506006613 C005336 01-11-2022 15-05-2024 Program Assocaite NPPF 12 17236961 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Jampel Gyeltshen 11508000618 39343 01-01-2012 12-08-2024 Survey Engineer Department of Geology and Mines 5 17276199 Yes Kinzang Chodon 10905000961 17992519 NA NA -- NA --
Jangchuk Wangdi 11508001242 36676 01-01-2011 03-01-2025 Accountant RSEBL AS I 17703724 Yes Pema Choden 11301001848 17744633 House Wife NA -- NA --
Tashi Dorji T 11508003960 26073 15-11-2005 14-05-2024 Store Incharge Ministry of Finance S 1 77128128 Yes Sonam Wangmo 11508004107 17456833 Bhutan Media Foundation NA -- NA --
Karma Chozom 11508003967 31243 01-01-2009 14-05-2024 Sr. Receptionist JDWNRH,NMS O4 17990730 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Sonam Thinley 11509001923 24292 01-09-2005 05-06-2024 Dy. Chief Human Resource Officer Royal Privy Council of Bhutan P2A/5 17629459 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA Allotted IIA/22
Tshering Lhadon 11510000933 21476 01-01-2004 09-04-2024 Teacher Jigme Namgyel LSS 4 17684743 Yes Dago Tsheringla 10504000139 77285580 National Council NA -- NA --
Jigme Wangmo 11510002833 31260 01-01-2009 23-10-2024 Personal Assistant JDWNRH,Thimphu S3 17671246 Yes Kencho Drukpa 11407001163 77117269 unemployed -- NA --
Dawa 11510003475 28734 01-01-2008 05-02-2025 Teacher Babesa HSS V 17558702 Yes Tsheten Zangmo 11514003744 17352142 House wife NA -- NA --
Tseten Dorji 11510003897 23027 01-09-2004 03-02-2025 Accountant Kuensel Corporation Limited 8 17847234 Yes Pema Lhaki 11008001562 17680825 kuensel corporation limited NA -- NA --
Tsheten Dorji 11510003897 23027 08-09-2004 12-08-2024 Accountant Kuensel Corporation Limited 8 17847234 Yes Pema Lhaki 11008001562 17680825 kuensel corporation limited NA -- NA --
Tenzin Jamtsho 11510004137 4646B 10-01-1988 28-11-2024 Dy. Chief Auditor Royal Audit Authority 16 17762259 Yes Pema Tshomo 10702000945 17762259 House Wife NA Rejected as He have entered wrong grade and PF number.
Sangay Rinchen 11511000309 28147 01-01-2008 31-01-2025 Chief Finance Officer Department of Treasury and Accounts, Ministry of Finance 4 17338499 Yes Sonam Zangmo 12008003067 17961689 Nil (House Wife) NA -- NA --
Jigten Zangmo 11512000524 21567 01-02-2004 20-11-2024 Sr. Technician II DGM, MoENR, Thimphu 8 17665440 Yes Jigme Gyeltshen 11509004524 17498486 DRC, MoF, Thimphu NA Allotted flat THC2B02R0103 to jigten zangmo
Thinley Yezor 11512001360 27857 12-01-1986 18-09-2024 Postal Assistant BHUTANPOST 13 17672136 Yes Dorji Zangmo 10301001232 17462159 Housewife NA -- NA --
Yeshey Tshomo 11512002119 3677 01-11-1986 17-03-2024 Sr.MPT National Land Commission VII 17619116 Yes Palden Yeshey 11007000186 17646806 National Land Commission NA -- NA --
Sonam dorji 11512003403 18168 01-07-2002 09-05-2024 Senior tax inspector l RRCO, MoF 06 17423405 Yes Karma dema 12004003943 17490005 Jdwnrh NA -- NA --
Sonam Dorji 11512003403 18168 07-01-2002 11-07-2024 Sr. Tax Inspector Regional Revenue and Customs, Thimphu 6 17423405 Yes Karma Dema 12004003943 17490005 Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital NA -- NA --
Sonam Dorji 11512003403 18168 01-07-2002 07-08-2024 Sr. Tax Inspector Regional Revenue and Customs, Thimphu 6 17423405 Yes Karma Dema 12004003943 17490005 Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital NA -- NA --
Sonam Phuntsho 11513001098 33545 01-01-2010 24-11-2024 Chief Communication Officer Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority 4 or P1 17690057 Yes Sangay Dema 10716002982 17517998 Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital NA Flat THC2B07R0103 Allotted to Sonam Phuntsho w.e.f Feb 2025.
Chheda chheda 11513002310 21887 07-01-2004 24-10-2024 Sr. Auditor Security Cluster Division, Royal Audit Authority SS2A 17711191 Yes Chimi Wangmo 11504001243 17635145 Bhutan Olympic Committee NA Selected
Chheda 11513002310 21887 01-07-2004 10-04-2024 Sr. Auditor Security Cluster Division, Royal Audit Authority Male 17711191 Yes Chimi Wangmo 11504001243 17635145 Bhutan Olympic Committee NA -- NA --
Chheda 11513002310 21887 05-06-2024 05-06-2024 Sr. Auditor Security Cluster Division, Royal Audit Authority Male 17711191 Yes chimi Wangmo 11504001243 17635145 Bhutan Olympic Committee NA Rejected as the payslip not latest as required
Chheda chheda 11513002310 21887 07-05-1978 09-08-2024 Sr. Auditor Security Cluster Division, Royal Audit Authority SS2A 17711191 Yes Chimi Wangmo 11504001243 17635145 Bhutan Olympic Committee NA -- NA --
Yeshi Wangmo 11513003343 5428 10-12-1990 11-07-2024 Sr. Civil Registration Assistant Department of Civil Registration and Census 8 17601453 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Jamyang Choden 11513003971 34642 06-01-2010 12-04-2024 Analyst NRDCL 5 17668482 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Sangay Dorji 11514000038 P001732 01-01-1988 03-01-2025 Reception Royal Textile Academy C1 17355936 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Tshendi Lhamo 11514001829 27729 01-07-2007 11-04-2024 Sr. Ophthalmic Technician JDWNRH, NMS, MoH 8 17691843 Yes Chophel 10905000116 17745862 JDWNRH, NMS, MoH NA -- NA --
Karma Tenzin 11514002426 59593 01-01-2019 13-08-2024 Assistant Engineer Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources S1A 17471018 Yes Tshewang Dema 11105002824 17507202 Private NA -- NA --
Karma Tenzin 11514002426 58593 01-01-2019 25-10-2024 Assistant Engineer Department of Energy S1A 17471018 Yes Tshewang Dema 11105002824 17507202 Private NA -- NA --
Kinzang Penjor 11514002742 57470 01-07-2018 19-09-2024 Driver Kuensel Corporation Limited 16 77624382 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Sumjay Tshering 11514003222 17997 01-07-2002 05-02-2025 Sr. OT Technician/ Anesthesia National Medical Services P4/SS3 (7) 17613534 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Yanki Delma 11514004519 19901 01-07-2008 10-05-2024 Ortho tech Ministry of health,Jdwnrh,Thimphu. 8 77452577 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Sangay Wangdi 11515000496 C028496 01-01-2024 13-05-2024 Tourism Operations Assistant Department of Tourism, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Industry 13 (S5) 17971552 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Jigme Tenzin 11515002274 C029937 01-03-2024 03-01-2025 Research Assistant II National Assembly of Bhutan 10 17734637 Yes Pema Yangdon 11516002427 77352311 House wife NA -- NA --
Ngawang Lhendup 11516001451 48156 15-01-2024 13-05-2024 Program Asst. II NPPF 10 17957187 Yes Tenzin Choden 11103001027 17980685 nill NA -- NA --
Kezang phuntsho 11516002241 C06319 01-01-2024 25-11-2024 Associate Lecturer KGUMSB,Faculty of Nursing and Public Health P3/6 77776554 Yes Tashi yangzom 11512002687 77299254 House Wife NA -- NA --
UGEN CHHEDA 11516002579 30000 01-12-2008 23-10-2024 SECTION OFFICER BHUTAN POWER CORPORATION LIMITED B4 17116199 Yes DAWA CHODEN 10712002335 17612757 HOUSE WIFE NA -- NA --
Dotu 11602001152 33329 25-12-2009 09-05-2024 IT Technician DGPC 10 17707015 Yes Cheten ZAngmo 10705002294 17707015 House wife NA -- NA --
Ugyen Thinley 11602001629 44016 15-02-2013 09-04-2024 Teacher Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School, Thimthrom, Thimphu P3A, 6 17510213 Yes Tshering Dema 10305002981 17841251 House wife NA -- NA --
Sangay Wangchuk 11602002349 27358 07-12-2007 31-01-2025 Engineer Bhutan Telecom ltd 7 17113407 Yes Tshedon 11602002527 17479829 Housewife NA -- NA --
Yangki 11603001336 63749 01-07-2009 30-12-2024 Wet cleaner National medical services GSP II 17627168 Yes Karma 11503003970 17637756 Bhutan post NA -- NA --
Yangki 11603001336 63749 11-05-2024 11-05-2024 Sweeper Ministry of health, Jdwnrh, Thimphu. GSP 17627168 Yes Karma 11503003970 17637756 Post office NA -- NA --
Peldon 11604000880 18943 01-01-2003 01-01-2025 Sr. Staff Nurse NMS, Jdwnrh , Thimphu V 17689440 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Tshering Dhendup 11604001503 44176 01-01-2013 19-07-2024 Teacher MoESD 6 17312312 Yes Ugyen Pelzom 10605001166 17307445 MoESD NA -- NA --
Neten Zangpo 11605000877 69655 01-03-2020 11-07-2024 Teacher III Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) 8 77374821 Yes Kinzang Lhadon 11605001156 17507988 House wife NA -- NA --
Ngithri Wangdi 11605000914 23734 01-07-2005 14-05-2024 Sr. Customs Inspector Regional Revenue & Customs Office, Thimphu VII 17621940 Yes Singye Wangmo 11605001225 17644514 Housewife NA -- NA --
Kuenga Singye 11606001278 C026696 11-01-2023 16-10-2024 Engineer Department of Energy P4A 17406872 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Jigme Tenzin 11606002473 42885 01-01-2013 11-04-2024 Dy. Regulatory Officer Bhutan Food and Drug Authority, Ministry of Health P2A (5) 17689475 Yes Sherab Zangmo 10605001677 17346104 House wife NA -- NA --
Chhemi Yangdon 11607001404 15333 01-09-2000 09-05-2024 Sr. Work Supervisor Chhukha Hydropower Plant 8 (S1) 17635500 No Chadho 11915001261 17668789 Regional Revenue & Cusotms Office, Thimphu NA Reject as per grade
Tshering Tashi 11607002079 13387 01-07-1999 03-02-2025 Sr. Dental hygienist JDWNR Hospital, Thimphu SS2A/P3 17696701 Yes Sonam Bidha 10708001926 17456507 house wife NA -- NA --
PEMA GYELTSHEN 11607002847 12727 01-07-1999 18-11-2024 ACCOUNTANT AFD/MOICE 8 17717944 Yes Dorji Dema 11607000993 17769027 House Wife NA Rejected as he has residential unit at NRDCL under his name
Dema Lhamo 11608000118 32710 01-06-2009 20-11-2024 Health Assistant II Ministry of Health 8 17945268 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Rejected as tenant have recently shifted to private house and don\'t want to shift anymore.
Karma Lhaden 11701000087 47455 09-07-1985 04-02-2025 Assistant Nurse JDWNRH, MOH Female 17696327 Yes Lt.Dorji Tshering 11506001926 17696327 MOIT -- NA --
Karma Lhaden 11701000087 47455 04-02-1985 04-02-2025 Assistant Nurse JDWNRH, MOH Female 17696327 Yes Lt.Dorji Tshering 11506001926 17696327 MOIT NA -- NA --
Lham Tshering 11701000740 38434 01-07-2011 22-10-2024 MLT MoH S1A 17466263 Yes Tshering Pelden 11701000250 77329687 House Wife NA -- NA --
Lham Tshering 11701000740 38434 01-07-2011 18-11-2024 MLT MoH S1A 17466263 Yes Tshering Pelden 11701000250 77329687 House Wife NA Rejected by tenants as the flat was small for him to occupy.
Lham Tshering 11701000740 38434 01-07-2011 30-12-2024 MLT MoH S1A 17466263 Yes Tshering Pelden 11701000250 77329687 House Wife NA -- NA --
Lham Tshering 11701000740 38434 01-07-2011 10-05-2024 Labarotory Technician MoH S1 17466263 Yes Tshering Pelden 11701000250 77329687 House Wife NA -- NA --
Lham Tshering 11701000740 38434 01-07-2011 10-05-2024 Assistant Laboratory Technician JDWNRH S1 17466263 Yes Tshering Pelden 11701000250 77329687 House wife NA -- NA --
Namgyal 11701002517 17672 01-01-2002 04-02-2025 Finance Officer Natural Resources Development Corporation Ltd. 6 17519328 Yes Mendel Zangmo 11701002600 17700229 House wife NA -- NA --
kelzang Dolkar 11702000460 34874 01-07-2010 06-06-2024 Bench clerk Royal court of Justice, Thimphu. 8 77770144 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Tshering Zangmo 11703000348 43763 01-01-2013 11-08-2024 Teacher I Changangkha MSS, MoESD VI 77263424 Yes Phuntsho Dorji 11502001300 17762872 Private NA -- NA --
Pema Yangzom 11705000843 35700 16-11-2010 03-01-2025 Technician(Electrical) Druk Green Power Corporation 10 17838956 Yes Sonam Wangchuk 11506001649 17606195 Druk Green Power Corporation NA -- NA --
Yeshi Lhamo 11705001084 28437 01-01-2008 30-12-2024 Office clerk Bpcl D3 17649451 Yes Karma 11516002521 17713418 pvt NA -- NA --
Birkha Bahadur Gurung 11802000429 33236 01-01-2010 31-01-2025 Deputy Chief Planning Officer National Statistics Bureau 5 17403482 Yes Dhan Maya Gurung 11201004534 17651127 Faculty of Nursing and Public Health NA -- NA --
BIKRAM RAI 11803000268 59958 22-10-2018 10-05-2024 TELLER BHUTAN NATIONAL BANK K 17261199 Yes SARITA LIMBU 11210001498 17655125 NA NA -- NA --
Parti Man Mohat 11803000335 23681 01-07-2025 12-04-2024 Asst.Engineer II BCD,DoIT,MoIT VII 17289694 Yes Uttra Chhetri 11204004789 17464128 M/s Bhutan Builder Private Limited NA -- NA --
Parti Man Mohat 11803000335 23681 22-03-1978 13-05-2024 Asst.Engineer II BCD,DoIT,MoIT VII 17289694 Yes Uttra Chhetri 11204004789 17319073 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Mrs. Tashi Peldon 11803001008 43869 01-03-2013 07-06-2024 Teacher I Changangkha Middle Secondary School, MO 6 17883613 Yes Tshering Gyeltshen 11106004232 17994513 RICB, Thimphu NA -- NA --
Chandra Man Pradhan 11803001041 17930 01-10-2002 07-06-2024 Executive Engineer Department of Surface Transport V 17867616 Yes Neelam Pradhan 11203004269 17838622 Private NA Rejected by Tenant as the apartment will be small for them
Sri Narayan Gazmer 11803001853 13971 01-10-1999 21-11-2024 Chief Programme Officer Election Commision of Bhutan, Kawajangsa,Thimphu 4 17338384 Yes Puna Devi Rasaily 11806000455 17998476 NA NA Rejected as call is not responding as called multiple times
Kunzang Chophel 11804000045 32401 01-07-2009 31-01-2025 Accounts Assistant Department of Treasury and Accounts, MoF, Thimphu Male 17743895 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Hari Prasad Sinchuri 11804000201 11209 15-09-1997 20-11-2024 Accounts Officer Construction Development Corporation Limited, Thimphu M3 17606605 Yes KALPANA BISWA 11809002042 17679959 -- NA -- NA Rejected by Tenant as the flat is small
Lhachay Gyelmo 11804001438 37963 01-07-2011 01-01-2025 Sr.Technician ll JDWNRH, Thimphu Female 17443507 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
lhachey Gyelmo 11804001438 37963 01-07-2011 09-05-2024 Sr. Technician Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital S2 17443507 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Mamita Bhandari 11806000880 48898 01-03-2015 10-04-2024 Teacher Changzamtog MSS, Thimphu Thromde 4 17338295 Yes Kuenzang Dorji 11308000373 17338295 MoESD NA -- NA --
Gina Devi Dootraj 11809002045 42007 01-08-2012 07-06-2024 System Administrator BDBL 8 17554311 Yes Anil Kumar Biswa 11208004846 77319814 Private Sector NA -- NA --
Man Maya Pradhan 11809002541 69436 01-03-2020 15-03-2024 ward boy JDWNRH GSP 77778123 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Allotted THC2B02R0010 -IIA/6- BQ6 WEF MAY 2024
Pema Lhamo Tamang 11810001070 63575 01-09-2019 15-01-2025 Contact Center Agent Bhutan Telecom Ltd. D2 17122507 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- FLat THC2B02R0012 Allotted to Pema Lhamo Tamang
Bishnu Maya Monger 11811000151 37724 06-10-1978 19-09-2024 Office Secretary Bhutan Telecom, Ltd 14 17118744 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Gembo Tamang 11811002294 24688 03-01-2006 10-05-2024 Technician Bhutan Telecom limited 12 17113368 Yes Radhika Tamang 11311000938 17477559 House wife NA -- NA --
Kencho Wangmo 11812001600 29248 16-07-2007 12-07-2024 Development Officer Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan, Thimphu 8 17647179 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Kencho Wangmo 11812001600 29248 01-07-2008 21-10-2024 DO Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan 8 17647179 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- Selected
Raj Man Limbu 11812001685 21775 01-06-2004 17-03-2024 Operator Construction Development Corporation Limited O4 17606797 Yes Suk Maya Limbu 11210000069 17875906 Home maker NA -- NA --
Dawa Gyeltshen 11902000150 10981 01-07-1997 14-03-2024 Vice Principal Jigme Namgyel Lower Secondary School 5 17603339 Yes Phuntsho Wangmo 11601000383 17797557 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Sonam Rinchen 11902000324 49548 15-11-2015 10-05-2024 Staff nurse Jdwnrh 8 17566886 Yes Tshering Choden 11009000084 17473436 House wife NA -- NA --
Nima Tshering 11903000545 7457 01-12-1992 14-05-2024 Sr. PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs SS3 17627224 Yes Karma 11913001740 17808242 Nil NA -- NA --
Nima Tshering 11903000545 7457 12-01-1992 05-06-2024 Sr. PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External Trade SS3 17627224 Yes Karma 11913001740 17627224 Nil NA Rejected by Tenant as he has personal issue
Nima Tshering 11903000545 7457 12-01-1992 19-11-2024 Sr. PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External Trade SS3/P4 17627224 Yes Karma 11913001740 17808242 Nil NA Reject by Tenant on June 2024. Waiting period 6 month not completed.
Nima Tshering 11903000545 7457 01-12-1992 04-02-2025 Sr. PA Department of Bilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External Trade SS3/P4 17627224 Yes Karma 11913001740 17808242 Nil NA -- NA --
Pema 11905000900 26166 12-07-2006 22-10-2024 Accounts Asstt MoICE 8 17667989 Yes Kunzang Chophel 11804000045 17743895 MoF NA -- NA --
Pema 11905000900 26166 01-07-2006 31-01-2025 Accounts Assistant IV MoICE 8 17667989 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Karma Choden 11905001205 59288 01-01-2019 07-08-2024 Teacher II MOESD P4 17968853 Yes Tshering Dendup 12004004393 17941716 MOIT NA -- NA --
Kinley Bidha 11906000495 27805 10-09-2007 14-05-2024 Administrative Support Staff Royal Monetary Authority SS6 17114285 Yes Mindu Dorji 10101002434 17617984 Private NA -- NA --
Tshomo 11906000832 28446 01-01-0008 29-01-2025 Accountant III Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Thimphu C3 17623526 Yes Thinley Dorji 12004003528 17570662 BPC,Thimphu NA -- NA --
Kinley Bidha 11906000945 27805 10-09-2007 14-05-2024 Administrative Support Staff Royal Monetary Authority SS6 17114285 Yes Mindu Dorji 10101002434 17617984 Private NA -- NA --
Nima Dorji 11906001234 15107 01-08-2000 10-05-2024 Education Monitoring Officer Ministry of Education & Skills Development P2A 17627821 Yes Tashi Pemo 11913001872 17463509 House wife NA -- NA --
Nima Dorji 11906001234 15107 08-01-2024 10-08-2024 Education Monitoring Officer Education Monitoring Division; Ministry of Education and Skills Development P2A 17627821 Yes Tashi pemo 11913001872 17463509 Business NA -- NA --
Nima Dorji 11906001234 15107 01-08-2000 21-10-2024 Sr. EMO-I MoESD P2A 17627821 Yes Tashi Pemo 11913001872 17463509 NA Rejected as he is married
Kinga Wangmo 11907001065 29998 12-01-2008 04-02-2025 Section officer Bhutan Power Corporation Limited B4 17849690 Yes Tandin Penjor 11410006901 77249214 Bhutan Times Pvt Ltd NA -- NA --
PASSANG DORJI 11910000942 30604 12-01-2005 31-12-2024 SUPPORT STAFF BNBL,THIMPHU SUPPORT STAFF(K) 17850804 Yes DEMA 11002000019 17359034 N/A NA -- NA --
Karma 11911001121 6067 17-01-2001 17-10-2024 Store Keeper Bhutan Food and Drug Authority S1 17624638 Yes Sonam Dorji 11902000632 17624638 Pvt. Rejected as he is married
Kinley Wangchuk 11913000997 4576 08-01-1988 15-03-2024 PD MOHA 04 17127225 Yes Zangmo 11913000129 17127225 Department of Culture NA Rejected by Tenant as he has to give two months\' notice to previous house owner.
Chador Dupa 11913001322 37576 06-01-2011 11-04-2024 Executive Engineer Bhutan A2 (P2) 17653358 Yes Kinley Gyem 10811002438 17616545 Taju Primary School, Paro, Bhutan NA -- NA --
Leki Dema 12001000411 46557 13-03-2014 07-06-2024 It Asst Bhutan Development Band Limited(BDBL) 11 17509604 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Tshewang Jigme 12001000669 17730 15-09-2002 07-08-2024 Assistant Human Resource Officer Bhutan Power Corporation Limited B2 (8) 17821582 Yes Tshering Yangdon 11513004408 17604598 House wife NA -- NA --
Tshewang Jigme 12001000669 17730 01-04-2004 29-01-2025 Assistant Human Resource Officer Bhutan Power Corporation Limited B2 (8) 17821582 Yes Tshering Yangdon 11513004408 17821582 House wife NA -- NA --
Ugyen Penjor 12001001980 37715 13-12-2010 09-05-2024 Finance Officer NRDCL M7 17640903 Yes Kelzang Choden 11704001730 17422895 BTF NA -- NA --
Ngawang Chokey 12001002457 17143 31-12-2001 14-03-2024 ERPO I Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Thimphu C1 77614356 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Ngawang Chokey 12001002457 17143 31-12-2001 30-12-2024 ERPO I Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Thimphu C1 77614356 Yes Dorji Phuntsho 12001002667 77635353 private NA -- NA --
Tenzin Lhamo 12001002942 17836 01-06-2002 19-11-2024 Jr.Enginner Bpc B3 17799881 Yes Lobzang Choida 11513002931 77670777 Pvt NA Rejected as tenant said that it was small
Pema Drakpa 12001003096 C006542 01-02-2023 11-05-2024 Technical Assistant Bhutan Telecom Ltd. C1 17493092 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Leki Yangzom 12001003280 68848 01-01-2020 30-12-2024 Land Record Asst. V National Land commission S5 A 17481967 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Ugyen Tshomo 12002001481 C030487 01-07-2024 21-10-2024 Lab Assistant II DGM, MoENR, Thimphu S5 77808336 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Namgyel Wancguk 12003001472 11424 01-06-1972 11-04-2024 Technician Supervisor Thimphu Thromde VII 17670815 Yes Dorji Pemo 12003001486 17696174 House Wife NA -- NA --
Namgyel Wancguk 12003001472 11424 01-01-1998 14-05-2024 Technician Supervisor Thimphu Thromde VII 17670815 Yes Dorji Pemo 12003001486 17696174 House Wife NA Debsi Bangalow THC1A01R0001 wef 01/06/2024
Minjur 12003001691 39240 01-01-2012 09-08-2024 Executive Engineer Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources P2 17691142 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Minjur 12003001691 39240 01-01-2012 26-10-2024 Executive Engineer Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources P2 17691142 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA --
Sangay Rigki 12003002045 58090 01-01-1994 10-05-2024 Personal Assistant Judiciary S4(12) 17538548 Yes Dechen Delker 10602001482 17602943 unemployet NA -- NA --
Lham Gembo 12004000067 26505 01-07-2006 13-04-2024 Network Administrator BNBL H 17310234 Yes Karma Choden 10901000833 17378338 -- NA -- NA -- NA --
Penjor 12004000108 13815 01-09-1999 15-03-2024 Internal Auditor Bhutan Development Bank Ltd. 6 77650541 Yes Namgay Wangmo 10306001291 17818180 MoHCA NA -- NA --
Penjor 12004000108 13815 01-09-1999 20-11-2024 Head, Follow-up, Internal Audit BDBL VI 77650541 Yes Namgay Wangmo 10306001291 17818180 Ministry of Home and Culture Affairs NA Rejected as tenant cancel to stay at particular flat
Tashi Wangchuk 12004000746 12549 01-01-1999 21-11-2024 Chief Physician National Traditional Medicine Hospital, DCS, NMS, Thimphu 4 (P1) 17546771 Yes Pedon 10601000827 17594679 House Wife NA Allotted flat to tshering wangchuk THC2B14R0205
Kinley Wangmo 12004001129 19351 01-03-2003 05-06-2024 Teacher Ministry of Education and Skill Development P3 SS2 (Grade VI) 17706955 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- NA Rejected as she want house to be repair before she enter rejected date 20/06/2024
LEKI WANGMO 12005001962 C029120 01-01-2024 15-03-2024 DESIGNER KUENSEL CORPORATION LTD 13 17569558 No -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- -- NA -- ALLOTTED THC2B05R0014-IIA/7-BQS7
cheten 12005002383 22104 01-08-2004 14-03-2024 engineer Bhutan Telecom 7 17113176 Yes DECHEN WANGMO 12008002223 17731307 bhutan post NA -- NA --
cheten 12005002383 22104 01-08-2004 09-04-2024 engineer Bhutan Telecom 7 17113176 Yes DECHEN WANGMO 12008002223 17731307 Bhutan Post NA -- NA --
cheten 12005002383 22104 01-08-2004 04-06-2024 engineer Bhutan Telecom 7 17113176 Yes DECHEN WANGMO 12008002223 17731307 Bhutan Post NA Rejected as payslip is of Feb which is not latest
Sangay Tshering 12008000940 7469 12-01-1992 07-08-2024 Senior ADM Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade P4 17392700 Yes Dema 10805001981 77223399 NA NA selected IIB 31
Pema Deki 12008002255 C007110 01-01-2021 13-05-2024 Assistant Payment System Officer Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan PS4 17496741 Yes Passang Dorji 10203002307 17370191 Education Pro ECPF NA -- NA --
Mon Maya Gurung 31302000061 63730 01-07-2019 11-05-2024 Sweeper Ministry of health, Jdwnrh, Thimphu. GSP 17295679 Yes Yeshey Dorji 11411001652 17878738 Taxi driver NA -- NA --