Loans of NPPF

There are various types of loans offered by NPPF

Member Home Loan

Home loan shall be provided only for construction/ repair/ purchase of house/ apartment for one-unit personal dwelling to promote homeownership to all the NPPF members.

Sl. No



1. Loan Amount

Maximum: Subject to Loan to Value (LTV) & Loan to Income (LTI)

10 million.

2. Eligibility

Active PF contributing member who have contributed for at least 1 year.


3. Interest Rate

Fixed interest rate

Floating interest rate



4. Loan tenure

Maximum loan tenure

30 years.

5. Repayment

Must be met from the monthly salary of an applicant.


6. Security

1. PF accumulation.

2. Land & Building. (Ownership certificate can be in the name of family members of an applicant).


For Forms:

Member Loan

Move forward your finances with NPPF Member Loan. The loan aims at helping members to settle and establish themselves at the start of member’s career.

Sl. No ParticularsAmount

1. Loan Amount

Maximum loan amount.

Maximum loan amount for members less than 2 years in service.



2. EligibilityActive PF contributing members. 
3. Interest Rate8.5% 
4. Loan tenure5 years 

5. Repayment

Must be met from the monthly salary of an applicant. 

6. Guarantor

1. Should be regular employee.

2. Equal or higher grade than applicant.

*Guarantor is required only if the applicant is less than 2 years inservice and wish to avail more than Nu. 200,000/-*


7. Security

1. PF accumulation

2. Personal Guarantor


*** Note: Minimum Loan Amount should be Nu. 100,000/-***

For Forms:

Education Loan

Make your way to a brighter future with NPPF’s Education Loan. The loan is intended to finance the education of member, Children, Spouse and Siblings of members studying domestically and overseas.

Sl. No



1. Loan Amount

In- Country; College student:

Max: 1,500,000/- Per student or total tuition fee including other related expenses, whichever is lower.

Up-to class XII

Max: 500,000/-


Max: 3,000,000/- Per student or total tuition fee including other related expenses, whichever is lower.

2. Eligibility

Active PF contributing member who have contributed for at least 1 year.


3. Interest Rate

1. Up-to 5 years.

2. Above 5 years up-to 10


3. Above 10 years up to 15

years (Maximum tenure).




5. Repayment

Must be met from the monthly salary of an applicant.

30 years.

6. Guarantor

1. Should be a regular employee.

2. Minimum 1 year in service.

3. Equal or higher grade than

the applicant.


7. Security

1. PF Accumulation.

2. Fixed Assets (Land & Building).


7. Security

1. PF Accumulation.

2. Fixed Assets (Land & Building).


*** Note: Minimum Loan Amount should be Nu. 100,000/-***

For Forms:

Commercial Housing Loan

Commercial Housing Loan (CHL) shall be provided for the construction/ repair/ purchase of the house/ building/ apartment strictly for the purpose of generating income either from business activity, resale of property, rental and lease income. The Loan aims at financing to best meet your individual investment needs in construction, repairs of house, building and purchase of flats.

Sl. No



1. Loan Amount

Maximum: Subject to Loan to Value (LTV) & Loan to Income (LTI). 50 million.

50 million.

2. Eligibility

Active PF contributing member who have contributed for at least 1 year.


3. Interest Rate

Fixed rate


4. Loan Tenure

Maximum loan tenure.

30 years.

5. Repayment

Should be met from the rental income.


6. Security

Land & Building (Ownership certificate should be in the name of an applicant)


7. Security

1. PF Accumulation.

2. Fixed Assets (Land & Building).


For Forms:

Private PF Member Loan

A Loan for Private PF members having monthly salary income, designed to address short term financial needs and manage unexpected financial gaps.

Sl. no


Terms and Conditions



  • Active contributing member.
  • Min 6 months contribution is required.
  • Members with monthly salary income only.


Loan Amount 

  • Min: 100,000/-
  • Max: 500,000/-
  • 6 months to 1 year contribution: up to Nu. 150,000/-.
  • Up to 2 years contribution: up to Nu. 250,000/-.
  • up to 3 years contribution: Up to Nu. 350,000/-
  • More than 3 years contribution: Up to Nu.500,000/-.


Interest rate

  • 8.50%


Loan term

  • 5 years



  • 70%



  • PF balance.
  • Guarantee/undertaking from employer.



  • Should be an active contributing member.
  • Should be employed with any of the member agencies.
  • Should be of same or higher level than the applicant.


Repayment source 

  • Monthly Salary income.
  • Deduction at from source from the employer


Other terms and conditions 

  • Partial PF withdrawal shall not be allowed until liquidation of the loan.

For Forms:

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